Opening Ceremony

The Opening Procession and Ceremony of the Parliament of World Religions according to the program book, is suppose to be an awe-inspiring event that sets the tone for the five days. The ceremony began with a procession of faith and spiritual leaders representing local, regional and international communities, each carrying symbols that represent their faiths. 

The Attorney General stood up and spoke during the ceremony stating he takes on the challenge to protect houses of worship. He works to fight discrimination on race, religion and national origin. He believes each religion has a common belief in peace and love. Even though everyone worships differently we are brought together with peace and love.

Dr. Muhammad Abrulghany Hamedeh spoke during this opening ceremony stated Chicago is well known for Islam. There are over 70 mosques within the city (which would make sense why Islam was predominate within the vendor booths). 
It did get dry after that so I chose to leave but to get a sense for it. Please see the videos.


The Sutherland Report - I sit down with two friends to discuss their recent under cover research at Pagan I Con in the USA

To start the context for Pagonicon 2024, this was an interview I was on to discuss what Pagonicon is all about.